How to Prevent Anxiety Attacks

It has been said preparation is the key to success in any endeavor. When you think about it, you can see how true this is. It is like taking a test in school. If you study hard, there is a good chance you’ll pass the test. If you study very hard there’s a pretty good chance you’ll ace the test. However, if you don’t prepare for the test at all you will probably fail!

It is likewise true of anyone who is entering in to a business. He who does his homework and prepares to run the business before he actually starts doing this business will be much more likely to succeed than someone who simply tries to wing it.

So, you can see how preparation is a very key ingredient to having success in almost everything you do. However, preparation can actually be what is causing your anxiety attacks. While this seems like an outrageous statement, I have seen how preparation can actually bring on a panic attack. The more we prepare for something, the more respect we are giving it. Yes, we must respect the difficulty of that test we are going to have in school or we will probably fail. Likewise, we have to respect how difficult running a business can be. If we don’t we will truly get chewed up in the business world!

However, it is respect anxiety thrives upon. The more respect we give it, the harder its fires will burn. If we give it little respect we will not be tense and we will not giving it as much fear as we would be if we were giving it plenty of respect. Of course, if we are not tense and we are not in the state of fear, anxiety will not invade our lives.

Therefore, when considering how to prevent anxiety attacks, we should consider not preparing for them at all. By not preparing we are not giving anxiety any respect. Without giving any respect to anxiety attacks, or a potential oncoming anxiety attack, we will not be preparing for it and therefore we will not be tensing our bodies and we will not be working ourselves into a state of fear about the possibility of anxiety coming on.

Without fear and tenseness present in are being, we will be starving anxiety of the fuel it needs to get started. So, how do you prevent anxiety attacks? In short, a good way to start is by refusing to ever prepare for one.

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